Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monday - Wednesday Travel Days!

We started our trip on Monday November 30. Completely over the moon. The flight was long and dull; airplane food was gross as usual! Nonstop flight to Zurich was only okay because we knew that Egypt would be at the other end of the trip!
Eliza's Airport Pics

 The view from the plane as we approached Switzerland:

In Zurich, Michael’s dad, Alan, met our plane with train tickets for us. We were very tired by then.
We had an amazing meal at what is supposed to the best vegetarian restaurant in all of Europe called Hitl Eliza had the buffet where she got to sample all kinds of food she hadn’t tried before. Michael & Doeri shared RizeContinental (a rice dish with sweet sauce, fresh fruit and nuts) and Rosti with wild mushrooms (a typical Swiss dish made of potatoes)

It was extremely cold there. There were icicles on the fountain and a little snow on the ground. Just enough for Eliza to try out some snow balls on Michael and Alan!

Next morning we had a fantastic Swiss Breakfast at the Hotel St. Georges where we stayed. Fantastic cheeses, salami, bread, creamy yogurt, mueslii, and coffee. We managed to follow Alan’s careful instructions about the train back to the airport (Thanks to Alan for his generous support there!) and got checked in with time to get quick Swiss HOT CHOCOLATE (Eliza’s classmates- we hope to bring some of this home!) YUMMM.

Flight to Cairo was about 3.5 hours. The hotel in Cairo is near the area of the pyramids so we got a sneak preview of them as we drove into town! Our tour guide met up with us in the airport and helped us to a van where we had a :45 minutes drive through evening traffic. We arrived safely on Wednesday evening just in time for dinner! The “reception to meet our fellow tour travelers in a welcome toast” consisted of a thimble full of tang served on a tray in the lobby. Turns out we were the only people who would be on our tour of 10 or less people!

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